Our Curriculum

Our curriculum offer has been constructed with a view to making sure we have a sequenced, standardised approach across all EdStart Schools that will help enhance the development of knowledge and skills for our young people.

Our main centres offer the opportunity for various GCSE subjects to be acquired in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Religious Studies, and Physical Education (PE). With the exception of Mathematics that follows the Pearson Edexcel examinations board, all other GCSE’s work in line with the AQA examinations board. We also offer life skills lessons over 2 afternoons each week either in PSHE, including RSE, Humanities, Creative Art, Cookery, IT/Digital Skills, plus Careers, including Post-16 pathways, and reading sessions, 2 of our 5 key focus areas on our school improvement plan. English & Mathematics lessons are undertaken 3 to 4 times each per week to stress the importance of numeracy and literacy in everyday life, with 3 sessions of Biology, 2 PE theory lessons, plus 1 practical afternoon as part of healthy living through exercise and 2 Religious Studies lessons.

Timetables can on occasions be adapted to suit the circumstances of the day/week, especially where it is felt that something topical or specific to the group needs discussing, to benefit the whole school or a particular centre.

In some of our centres, our young people are provided with different offers of support from other alternative providers or via amended timetables to help with their specific needs. Many of these options are planned through the expertise of our SENCO & Outreach teams, who carry out detailed analysis of individual student needs and prepare programmes and 1:1 support for those who may have additional needs, to enable them to access a curriculum that benefits and develops their knowledge and skills further.

Wellbeing also forms an important part of our curriculum offer with keyworker staff assigned students to help, advise and guide when needed, reinforced by our school counsellor who works with individual students and staff across the whole school, as well as being accessible to our cohort during the school day.

All pupils receive a minimum of 24 hours formal education a week. Our timetable consists of all core subjects, PSHE, History, Religious Studies, PE, Art, Employability skills and Enrichment. We can add or remove subjects based on individual needs, however we pride ourselves on providing young people with a varied and robust curriculum, preparing them for their next steps. Ensuring we cover SMSC in our lessons and the importance of Fundamental British Values, we aim to allow pupils the chance to explore their own faiths, culture and communities, as well as learning about other people’s.

At KS3 we recognise achievements through the use of AQA unit award schemes, the Arts Awards, and in house rewards.  We feel as well as ensuring pupils progress as they would do in mainstream school, it is vital we promote learning and make education and enjoyable experience, for those who are heading into KS4 Key Stage 4 (Year 10 / 11)

EdStart Schools is a registered exam centre and our KS4 provision allows learners to access various qualifications, led by staff who are experienced in raising attainment in demotivated learners. These include various GCSE’s in Maths, English, Science, RS, and PE.

Learning Support

Each student will have an opportunity to develop an individual learning plan with their Learning Mentor or Tutor which they will follow throughout their time on the programme. Goals and targets around behaviour and learning will be set for each half term young person and reviewed weekly to ensure progress is carefully monitored.

Pupils will have the opportunity to be taken on various weekly reward trips for good behaviour, classwork and / or attendance. Trips in the past have included; Trampoline centres like Jump Nation, BMXing, Kayaking,  Chill Factore. The reward trips aim to not only act as an incentive to change negative behaviours, but provide experiences to young people which they may not get otherwise.

SEN and Personalised Learning Curriculum

At Edstart, we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to all students, and in particular those students with special education needs. We work with the students, families and specialists to support those students who have barriers to learning and our teaching staff, and specialist SEN support are dedicated to improving the outcomes of the pupils in their care.

On occasions we admit young people who require even more of a bespoke offer than our core provision. This may involve some teaching and learning, tutoring, mentoring, life skills, and experiential learning. Our aim is to ensure that all young people as a minimum continue to develop their English and Maths skills as part of the personalised package. Woking closely with the SENCo our team will develop a curriculum in line with each young person’s needs, including short and longer term ambitions